
Sorry Fans, Last One.

 Those well on their way to divorce have ten significant differences. Those well on their way to success have ten significant differences. How interesting is that. I think I’ve mentioned that before in one of my blogs but we talked about it again and I thought it was so fascinating. Divorce was the topic this week. We talked about how marriage can either be a covenant or a contract. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe in covenant marriages. Covenants made with God, or promises, to be faithful to our spouse and to be sealed for time and all eternity. We believe that families can be sealed together forever. Not only will they be together in this life, but also the next. Marriages these days when doing the marriage ceremony the officiator will say, “until death do you part…”   or, “so long as both of you shall live…” There are a lot of things I could go into on the subject but bottom line, when people make a covenant, they are saying the...

Little Kids Have Needs Just Like Everyone Else

 This week we talked about kids. Kids are so beyond wonderful. They can be little nightmares sometimes but overall; kids are pretty great. I really enjoyed talking about kids in class and the way they act and the things they need. The first thing we talked about was physical touch. I am a firm believer that physical touch is super important. Sadly, for today’s world I feel that this needs a mention because it doesn’t seem to be common knowledge. Kids should not be touched inappropriately. Ever. I don’t believe in child abuse or child molestation. That is just down right disgusting. To those who abuse children either way, shame on you. Well now that that is out of the way let me continue on with what I thought was interesting and/or important. Something I know is a really big thing today is the skin to skin thing after mothers give birth. The mom is given the baby and they sit skin to skin for a little bit as a bonding moment. My sister gave birth recently to a healthy baby bo...

Money, Money, Money...It's a Problem. (also enjoy my rant...thank you.)

 This week’s discussion was about something I feel is a little too close to my heart. Money. Money is so vital to life but also such a dangerous game. Its nice having money and being able to go out and about to go get ice cream with friends or to buy that coat you think is absolutely adorable. But. If you don’t have money sometimes, you’ll feel that your world is literally crumbling all around you. I feel that it is very vital to existence as a human being to realize and understand that money isn’t that important. It is, but it also isn’t…to an extent. Of course, you need money for the essentials like food, housing, at least SOME clothing to roam the town and not get arrested for being nakey and some sort of transportation if needed. Some secondary things that would be good to spend money on would be health care and maybe a cheap phone along with a cheap phone plan. If you were feeling extra wealthy, you could even subscribe to Netflix or Hulu. One of the number one reasons f...

What Did You Say??

 This weeks beyond wonderful topic was communication! I would have to say I think this is one of the most important things in a relationship. They always say “communication is key” but so many people can’t do it and that’s when someone gets hurt and relationships fall apart. The first thing we talked about was the 5 secrets of effective communication that I believe it was David Burns that said all these things. And we can talk about each one in a little more depth. The first portion was the disarming effect. What this entails is understanding what your significant other is saying and finding some sort of truth to agree on even if it seems unfair or unreasonable to agree amidst an argument or disagreement. Now, this isn’t just saying, “I understand.” Its absorbing what you have been told and being able to repeat back what they have said to you but in your own words. You actually understand and accept what is being said. Not necessarily agreeing with it but just getting what they...

Stress is Good

 What an amazing week of learning! Honestly, there were quite a few things I had never thought about that totally made sense once they were said. We talked about stress and anxiety which I think is very prevalent for today. Lots and lots of people suffer from anxiety and it can really hold them back from things in life. In class, I remember my professor talking a lot about the brain and the chemicals that go on in there. I personally don’t remember everything he was saying about the brain and the way it works and why it works that way but what I do remember him saying was that there is a lot that the brain does when it comes to anxiety. Because of things that happen in real life, our brain will react, absorbing the information of the situation, and then the body naturally responds in the way it does depending on the real life situation and how the brain has absorbed it. Our body is built to naturally respond in certain ways. Like if we get scared, our heart rate automatically i...

Some Marriage Tips From a College Student

  I am not married. I am dating a boy and we are going to get married but not for a while. But besides that, this weeks class discussion was really interesting and eye opening for me as a not married person. As people and human beings I feel like its only natural to have that urge to have sex. The body has chemicals that are released when physical things are happening and they feel super great. We talked about sex within marriage and keeping it between man and wife and not having sexual relations with others outside of the marriage. Having fidelity is so so important. The first thing that was brought up in class was pornography and the increasing issue it has become in todays society. Personally I had to agree with one of my classmates who said that if someone watches porn, it is pretty much a form cheating. Dating someone and knowing that they are getting sexual pleasures from images of other people would be a difficult thing to get over. And the fact that porn is so harmful n...

Dating to Marriage in 5 Easy Steps

 Sorry to lead you astray but there definitely aren’t 5 easy steps from dating to marriage. It is a long process and should be a long process. Marriage is a big decision and if you just marry the first ding dong to come along it could be more rough than it needs to be. Now, I'm not saying that if a really great guy comes along first things first then go ahead and marry the man. I just hate when people get stuck with losers because they were the first one to show any attention. To be honest, that was my biggest fear. Marrying the first guy to show interest in me. Luckily I didn’t because the guy that did come along just wasn’t right for me. Back to the subject at hand though. In class this week, the discussion we had was absolutely fascinating. There are a few things people go through before marriage. Obviously, there needs to be some dating going on before marriage. But even in the mix there needs to be courtship and then engagement and THEN marriage. Dating is important be...